5th – 8th Grade Sundays 9am – 9:50am
Junior High youth have always had a special place in our hearts at CBC. Whether you know it or not, this is a critical time in your life – yes, already!
And while you may already know that the Bible is an ocean of wisdom for life, you may feel like understanding it, using it, and sharing it is more like being lost at sea than a trip to the beach…
And while you may already know that the Bible is an ocean of wisdom for life, you may feel like understanding it, using it, and sharing it is more like being lost at sea than a trip to the beach…
But don’t give up! Join us on Sunday mornings (during your parents’ Study Group) for Immerse! We are exploring ways to study the Bible in a systematic way so that we don’t miss any clues. This is your chance to study God’s “map for life” like an adult, but in a way that specially tailored to helping you navigate your friends, school, family, and more! Are you ready to go deep?!